食品词典中的关于肉片的专业释义: | |
英文名称 | 中文名称 |
dried beef slices | 牛肉片 |
dried pork slices | 猪肉片 |
back rashers | 薄的腌〔或熏〕肉片 |
cayenne peppered dry beef | 麻辣干牛肉片〔中菜冷盘名〕 |
chip fat | 修整下来的肥肉片 |
collop | 薄肉片;小肉片;肉排 |
cracknel | ① 脆硬的饼干 ② 猪油渣 ③ 脆煎猪肉片 |
cutlet | 肉饼;肉片;炸肉排;肉丸子 |
entrecote | 〈法〉 ① (煎)肉排 ② 去肋骨的肉片;肋间的肉 |
escalope | 薄肉片;薄片鱼 |
filet | 〈法〉 净肉;肉片;鱼片 |
fillet | ① 鱼片;肉片 ② 把(鱼、肉)切成片 |
fresh mushroom and sliced pork | 鲜菇肉片〔中菜名〕 |
fried pork slice | 炒肉片〔中菜名〕 |
fried pork slices with fresh mushrooms | 鲜菇炒肉片〔中菜名〕 |
fried pork slices with onion sauce | 葱汁炒肉片〔西菜名〕 |
fried sliced beef and olive kernels | 榄仁炒牛肉片〔西菜名〕 |
fried sliced beef with oyster sauce | 蚝油牛肉片〔西菜名〕 |
fried sliced beef with tomato sauce | 茄汁牛肉片〔西菜名〕 |
fried sliced pork and bamboo shoots | 笋炒肉片〔中菜名〕 |
更多专业词汇>> |
- meat slice