食品词典中的关于waste的专业释义: | |
英文名称 | 中文名称 |
dairy waste | 牧场污水;乳品厂废水 |
industrial waste | 工业废物 |
industrial waste liquor | 工业废水 |
solid waste | 固态废物 |
starch waste | 淀粉渣 |
waste | 废(弃)物;耗损 |
waste gas | 废气 |
waste heat | 废热,余热 |
waste heat boiler | 废热锅炉 |
waste liquor | 废液 |
waste stream | 浓液液流;盐水流;废液流 |
waste water | 废水 |
waste water disposal | 污水排放 |
waste water spray irrigation | 废水喷灌 |
waste water treatment plant | 废水处理厂;废水处理装置 |
wastewater treatment | 废水处理 |
cold waste | 冷蔗糖直过滤母液 |
fruit waste | 水果下脚料 |
pieces and waste | 果肉碎屑 |
rejectable waste | 下脚废料 |
更多专业词汇>> |
- n. 废物,浪费,损耗,消耗,荒地,垃圾,地面风化物
a. 废弃的,荒芜的
- 时 态:wast·ed, wast·ing, wastes
- He wasted away to a skeleton.
他瘦得皮包骨了。 - To waste time by puttering aimlessly;dawdle.
虚度光阴无目的地磨蹭而浪费时间;虚度(光阴) - Throw out that waste paper.
把废纸扔掉。 - He wasted his breath anyway.
他徒费唇舌罢了。 - To excrete waste from the bladder or bowels.
- He wasted away to a skeleton.
- spend thoughtlessly; throw away
[同] blow, squander, waste
[反] conserve, economise, economize, husband
[例]- He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends
- You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree
- use inefficiently or inappropriately
[例]- waste heat
- waste a joke on an unappreciative audience
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- get rid of
[例]- We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer
- run off as waste
[同] run off, waste
[例]- The water wastes back into the ocean
- get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing
[同] do in, knock off, liquidate, neutralise, neutralize, waste
[例]- The mafia liquidated the informer
- the double agent was neutralized
- spend extravagantly
[同] consume, squander, ware, waste
[例]- waste not, want not
- lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief
[同] languish, pine away, waste
[例]- After her husband died, she just pined away
- cause to grow thin or weak
[同] emaciate, macerate, waste
[例]- The treatment emaciated him
- devastate or ravage
[同] desolate, devastate, lay waste to, ravage, scourge, waste
[例]- The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion
- waste away
[同] rot, waste
[例]- Political prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world
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- any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted
[同] waste, waste material, waste matter, waste product
[例]- they collect the waste once a week
- much of the waste material is carried off in the sewers
- useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly
[同] dissipation, waste, wastefulness
[例]- if the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste
- mindless dissipation of natural resources
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- the trait of wasting resources
[同] thriftlessness, waste, wastefulness
[例]- a life characterized by thriftlessness and waste
- the wastefulness of missed opportunities
- an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation
[同] barren, waste, wasteland
[例]- the barrens of central Africa
- the trackless wastes of the desert
- (law) reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect
[同] permissive waste, waste
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- located in a dismal or remote area; desolate
[同] desert, godforsaken, waste, wild
[例]- a desert island
- a godforsaken wilderness crossroads
- a wild stretch of land
- waste places
点击查看……- spend thoughtlessly; throw away