食品词典中的关于logical的专业释义: | |
英文名称 | 中文名称 |
abiological | 非生物学的 |
bacteriological | 细菌学的 |
bacteriological culture medium | 细菌培养基 |
bacteriological examination | 细菌学检验 |
bacteriological investigation | 细菌学检验,细菌学测定,细菌学研究 |
bacteriological test | 细菌检验 |
biological | 生物学的;生物制品,生物制剂 |
biological activity | 生物活性,生物活动;生物效能 |
biological agent | 生物制剂 |
biological assay | 生物试验,生物鉴定,生活测定 |
biological calcium carbonate | 生物碳酸钙 |
biological clock | 生物钟 |
biological concentration | 生物富集,生物浓集 |
biological containmination | 生物污染 |
biological defense system | 生物防卫系统 |
biological expansion | 生物性膨胀(罐头) |
biological filter | 生物滤床(器、池);水淋滤器 |
biological food | 生物食品 |
biological half-time | 生物半减期 |
biological hazard | 生物公害 |
更多专业词汇>> |
- a. 逻辑的,符合逻辑的
- 名 词:log'i·cal'i·ty, log'i·cal·ness副 词:log'i·cal·ly
- The article has a logical composition.
这篇文章布局合理。 - Its logical reasoning cannot be gainsaid.
合乎逻辑的推理是不容否定的。 - That's a ferociously logical system.
- The article has a logical composition.
- capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning
[反] illogical, unlogical
[例]- a logical mind
- marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts
[同] coherent, consistent, logical, ordered, orderly
[反] incoherent
[例]- a coherent argument
show all ... (
- based on known statements or events or conditions
[同] legitimate, logical
[例]- rain was a logical expectation, given the time of year
- capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner
[同] coherent, logical, lucid
[例]- a lucid thinker
- she was more coherent than she had been just after the accident
less ...点击查看……- capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning