食品词典中的关于imo的专业释义: | |
英文名称 | 中文名称 |
acrimonious | 辛辣的,苦的 |
antimold | 防霉剂 |
antimold agent | 防霉剂 |
antimonide | 锑化物 |
antimony | 锑 |
antimony trichloride | 三氯化锑 |
antimould | 抗霉的;防霉的 |
antimould agent | 防霉剂,抗霉菌剂 |
Chimonanthus fragrans concrete | 腊梅花浸膏 |
Citrus limon extract | 柠檬提取物 |
Citrus limon juice extract | 柠檬汁提取物 |
Citrus limon l.burm.f. | 柠檬 |
Citrus limon oil | 柠檬油 |
Dimocarpus longan | 龙眼 |
Dimodan | 单牡丹,分子蒸馏单甘油酯 |
IMO(International Maritime Organization) | 国际海事组织 |
inactive limonene | 消旋宁烯;无旋光宁烯 |
isolimonene | 异柠檬烯 |
kimopsin | 糜蛋白酶 |
limo | 柠檬 |
更多专业词汇>> |
- In My Opinions,在我看来
- the United Nations agency concerned with international maritime activities
[同] imo, international maritime organization
点击查看……- the United Nations agency concerned with international maritime activities