食品词典中的关于carpus的专业释义: | |
英文名称 | 中文名称 |
Artocarpus incisa | 面包果 |
breadfruit(Artocarpus incisa) | 面包果 |
Croton lachnocarpus Benth. | 毛果巴豆(小叶双眼龙) |
Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz. | 白鲜 |
Dimocarpus longan | 龙眼 |
sandalwood, red(Prterocarpus sandalinus L. f. ) | 紫檀香木 |
amur minebark | 风箱果[Physocarpus amurensis] |
anjelywood | 硬毛面包果[Artocarpus hirsutus] |
bigpod ceanothus | 大果美洲茶[Ceanothus megacarpus] |
bread fruit | 面包果[Artocarpus communis] |
chaplash breadfruit | 恰普拉希面包果[Artocarpus chaplasha] |
dingleberry | 红果莓[Oxycoccus erythrocarpus] |
erythrocarpus | 红色果质(的) |
Goabean | 四棱豆属[Psophocarpus] |
Indies goabean | 四棱豆[Psophocarpus tetragonolobus] |
jackfrait | 本菠萝〔一种热带水果〕[Artocarpus heterophyllus] |
jakfruit | 木波罗〔其果肉及籽可供食用〕[Artocarpus heterophyllus] |
Java breadfruit | 爪哇面包果[Artocarpus blumei] |
lakoocha | 拉口沙面包果[Artocarpus lakoocha] |
marang | 极香面包果[Artocarpus odoratissimus] |
更多专业词汇>> |
- n. 手腕子,腕骨
- 复 数:car·pi
- A small bone at the junction of the ulna and the carpus.
- A small bone at the junction of the ulna and the carpus.
- a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones
[同] articulatio radiocarpea, carpus, radiocarpal joint, wrist, wrist joint
点击查看……- a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones