食品词典中的关于修的专业释义: | |
英文名称 | 中文名称 |
allowance | 承认,接受;允差;修正值 |
amendment | 改正,修正,修正值;修正草案 |
cheese remnants | 干酪修整 |
cheese rind trimming | 干酪外皮修整 |
cheese trimmings | 干酪修整 |
chemical modification | 化学修饰,化学改变 |
color additive amendment | 着色剂修正案 |
contrivance | 发明,设计;发明物,设备,装置;人工修饰 |
DNA repair | 脱氧核糖核酸修复 |
DNA repair synthesis test | DNA修复合成试验 |
dressing | 修饰;调味品 |
finishing agent | 修饰剂 |
fixing | 固定;凝固,硬化;修整,装饰;(菜肴的)配料,调味品 |
Food Additives Amendment | 食品添加剂修正案 |
food adulteration | 食品修假 |
further training | 进修;进一步训练 |
handing | 处理;操作,加工,精制,修整 |
maintain | 维修,保养 |
maintenance | 维护,保养,修理 |
maintenance costs | 维修费;保养费 |
更多专业词汇>> |
- to decorate
to embellish
to repair
to build
to study
to write
to cultivate
- 他的三个学位都是在哈佛修的。
He took his three degrees at Harvard. - 苦修的或有关苦修的
Of or relating to penance. - 我能做简单的油漆、木工和修水管等工作。
I can do simple painting, carpentry and plumbing. - 圣奥古斯丁修会成员属于圣·奥古斯丁修会的修道士及教士
A monk or friar belonging to any of the Augustinian orders. - 《奥德赛》史诗中歌颂了奥德修斯的丰功伟绩.
Odysseus's heroic exploits are celebrated in `The Odyssey'.
- 他的三个学位都是在哈佛修的。