  • 2025年3月18日 星期二




1,3,5-triazine,2,4,6-triamine,polymer with formaldehyde2,4,6-三胺-1,3,5,-三嗪与甲醛的共聚物
adulteration of milk with water向乳中加水掺假;牛乳掺水
agitating equipment with magneticcoupler磁力传动搅拌设备
bowl with conical disc type separator碟式分离机
butter with loose moisture含水奶油;带水奶油
carrageenan with cellulose带纤维素的卡拉胶
cheese with slit openings dueto excessive acid过量的酸所引起的干酪裂缝
cheese with surface mould表面长霉(霉)的干酪
cheese withour eyes无孔(眼)干酪
diethylenetriamine crosslinked with epichlorohydrin用表氯醇胶联的双亚乙基三胺
dressing of cheese with cloths干酪用布包裹
dried egg wite干蛋黄,蛋白片
epichlorohydrin crosslinked with ammonia氨胶联表氯醇
evaporator with external heating unit外加热室蒸发器
extraction tower with agitator搅拌式提取塔
glass-tube liquid level gauge with a covering带罩玻璃管液面计
handle with care小心轻放
hard cheese made with high scald高温热烫制得的硬质干酪
horizontal type centrifuge with cutter discharge of solids卧式刮刀卸料离心机
packed column filled with liquid充液填料塔(柱)

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