食品词典中的关于proto的专业释义: | |
英文名称 | 中文名称 |
3-ethoxyprotocatechualdehydr | 3-乙氧基原儿茶醛,乙基香兰素 |
dimethyl ether protocatechualdehyde | 原儿茶醛二甲醚 |
dioxymethylene protocatechuic aldehyde | 二氧亚甲基原儿茶醛,胡椒醛,洋茉莉醛 |
erythropoietic protoporphyria | 生血性原卟啉症 |
ethyl protocatechuate | 原儿茶酸乙酯 |
ethylprotocatechualdehyde-3-ethyl ether | 乙基原儿茶醛-3-乙醚,乙基香兰素 |
ferric protoporphyrin | 高铁原卟啉,高铁血红素 |
ferroprotoporphrin(heme) | 正铁血红素 |
ferroprotoporphyrin | 亚铁原卟啉,血红素 |
methylprotocatechualdehyde (vanillin) | 香兰素 |
methylprotocatechuic aldehyde | 甲基原儿茶醛,香兰素 |
protobios | 噬菌体 |
protocatechualdehyde dimethyl ether | 原儿茶醛二甲醚 |
protocatechualdehyde-3-methyl ether | 原儿茶醛甲醚,香兰素 |
protocatechuic acid | 原儿茶酸,3,4-二羟苯甲酸 |
protocatechuic aldehyde methylene ether | 原儿茶醛亚甲醚 |
protocell | 原细胞 |
protochlorophyll | 原叶绿素 |
protochlorophyllide | 原叶绿素酸酯 |
protocol | 议定书;方案 |
更多专业词汇>> |
- 原,原始
- indicating the first or earliest or original
[例]- proto' is a combining form in a word like protolanguage' that refers to the hypothetical ancestor of another language or group of languages
点击查看……- indicating the first or earliest or original